
Building a successful handmade business requires a lot of work behind the scenes. From big-picture visioning and strategy down to the nitty-gritty of how to get things done day to day, these articles are your maker-biz MBA. Learn about hiring and building a strong team; make sense of contracts, copyright and everything legal; find out how to manage your money and finances; and discover tools and systems to improve productivity, handle inventory and more.

5 Ways to Protect Your Creative Work

5 Ways to Protect Your Creative Work

Here's an overview of the Canadian intellectual property laws we learned about during our February 25th virtual event with lawyer Czarina Pacaide. Plus, watch the replay!

How to Tame Your To-Do List

How to Tame Your To-Do List

When you have too much to do, how do you know where to start? This is the question business strategist Kim Cota answered for us on September 20th, during a live virtual event. Plus, watch the replay of the event.

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