Workshop is your network.

We're your trusted adviser, the smart friend you bounce ideas off, your essential resource and the place you go to find inspiration.

We gather creative product-based entrepreneurs across Canada (plus some friends from around the world) to collaborate and learn from one another, to build each other up and to help all small businesses thrive. We’re an online club for artists, artisans and makers who are looking for mutual support and ways to share ideas and know-how.

We're a business magazine and a hub for entrepreneurs, but we're not just about making money. We believe in work-life balance, creative fulfilment and the strength of community.

Why become a Workshop member?

Workshop publishes articles, but we're more than that. Our goal is to facilitate a community of members who can grow and evolve together.

We're a small business ourselves, and we rely on membership income to fund the work we do: writing how-to guides and business profiles, and creating new ways for members to come together and learn from each other.

Joining the Workshop community is an investment in your business. We offer encouragement, mentorship, motivation and advice to help you thrive.

When you sign up for a membership, you can choose between two tiers: free and paid. Free members receive our regular newsletter and can access the majority of our content. Paid members have additional perks as outlined below.

If for any reason you are not currently able to pay for a membership but could benefit from full access to our features, please get in touch. We’ll be pleased to set you up with a complimentary membership.

We also offer complimentary paid memberships to Indigenous-owned maker businesses. If you'd like to take advantage of this offer, sign up for a free membership and then contact us and we will upgrade your account status.

Benefits of a paid Workshop membership include:

• Access to our full library of articles on everything from social media strategy to eco-friendly shipping materials, plus profiles and roundups of other maker businesses to give you inspiration and ideas.

Submit questions to our panel of experts, to be answered in upcoming articles. This is your chance to get pro tips on your questions about marketing, bookkeeping, design and other issues, tailored to you.

• Free access to webinars and online training sessions, including our replay archives.  Plus, have the opportunity to suggest topics and experts.

• A regular e-newsletter with all the latest community updates and need-to-know news.

• The chance to help shape how Workshop evolves by suggesting topics for our articles and webinars, new features and other ideas.

• Early access to future membership benefits like online courses, mentorships, ebooks, videos, podcasts and print magazines.