Want a critique of your latest product idea? Wondering how to set up your craft show table better? Need a second opinion on your web copy or product photos? Have a big win or little achievement to celebrate? Discovered a cool tool or seen something another maker is doing that you admire? We’re here for all of it!

Workshop’s monthly Show & Tell gatherings are a place to come together with other like-minded makers and get support on this often lonely entrepreneurship journey.

Who it’s for: All Workshop members

Where: On Zoom (video is optional, but we sure do love to see your smiling faces)

When: Once a month, dates and times below. Have you got a specific time request? Let us know!

How it works

At the beginning of each meeting, we’ll get a show of hands from those who have something they want to Show & Tell. Then we’ll divide the hour so everyone has equal time. When it’s your turn, you’ll have a few minutes to share, then we’ll open the floor for feedback and discussion.

This is your opportunity to get out of your own headspace; get a fresh, outside perspective; and get congratulations, support and camaraderie from fellow makers.

Don’t have anything to Show & Tell? Come anyways! Workshop Show & Tell is a space to provide your community with peer feedback and support, meet other business owners and get inspiration for your own business.

Upcoming Show & Tell Dates

Show & Tell is on pause — thanks to everyone who joined us at past get-togethers!

The link to join each Show & Tell gathering will be sent to all Workshop members via email and shared in our newsletters. You can also add the following info into your calendar:

This content is for members only

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