We'd Like One of Each, Please

It's December already somehow, so we'll keep this short.

When we had the idea of doing a gift guide featuring Workshop members' products, we knew it would be a fantastic collection. Even so, the responses blew us away, and we're thrilled to share the list below. Thanks to everyone who submitted on such short notice, and at such a busy time of year. We'll send the call-out earlier next year!

Our next Show & Tell is on Thursday, and we hope you can make it — but we understand if things are too hectic. That said, it's a good place to chat about recent markets and get last-minute feedback on any upcoming sales, promotions or events. See you at 10 am Pacific/2:30 pm in Newfoundland and all the time zones in between.

Yours in making,

A Made-in-Canada Holiday Gift Guide

Workshop members make some amazing things. Here’s a sample of them for you to shop for the holidays or anytime.