Let's Take It One Step at a Time

Kat was in a conversation recently with someone who was lamenting she had more creative ideas than time to devote to them. "Better than the opposite," Kat quipped, which was definitely a joke — it sucks to never have time for the things you want to do — but also very true.

As we begin another year of Workshop (hello, 2023!), the sentiment applies to our goal list, and we're sure you feel the same about your business. There are so many things we'd like to get to, but the days keep slipping by. All we can do is pick one task at a time. (Our webinar with business coach and Workshop member Kim Cota definitely helped.)

For January, we picked an easy one: we finally set up a public Google calendar that you can subscribe to so our events appear right in your own calendar to see. Get the details on that below, and please let us know if it's not working or acting weird — it's our first time doing this. Next up, we'll be revamping our main Events page so you can see the calendar embedded right there (fingers crossed it works) and find a more organized listing of upcoming events and past videos you can watch again.

Subscribe to our new calendar and never miss an event!
> Google version
> Apple version

Speaking of events, we're excited for our next Show & Tell — our first event of 2023 — this afternoon! We're playing around with days and times so more people can attend. No pressure if you don't have anything prepped to share — we'd love to hear how your holiday sales went but also absolutely accept cute pet pics as a valid item to show. Hope to see you on Zoom!

Yours in making,

Workshop Show & Tell Monthly Gatherings

Join us on Wednesday (today!) at 1 pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern for Show & Tell, a casual meet-up to share what you’re working on, get feedback on business problems, chat about discoveries and insights, and meet other members.