How Does Your Business Grow?

Both of us have been self-employed for a long time. And if there's one thing we've learned about running a business, it's that there's always room to improve the way you do things.

That's why we're looking forward to Kim Cota's session on Tuesday. We're not just the hosts — we're also participants, and we're sharpening our pencils in anticipation of the smart advice we'll be learning, and the ideas that follow. We hope you can join us — and if you can't, a reminder that paid members and ticket holders will have access to a video recording to catch up later.

Event: Small Business Success Through Smart Strategizing
September 20, 2022 | Join Workshop and small business coach Kim Cota of Beautiful Thinkers for a live virtual session on streamlining your business so you can get the important things done without getting overwhelmed.

As always, let us know what you think and what topics you'd like us to cover next. We love to hear from you.

Yours in making,

P.S. We also learned a ton about Instagram Reels from Aynsley Grealis and Muriel Corbierre, who generously shared their expertise with us — see the story below. If you have more tips, please post them in the article comments!