Always Be Learning

Wouldn't it be boring (and a little terrifying) if we all froze our brains into place at the age of 18? We often associate learning with school, but it's really a life-long endeavour. Whether it's something we just weren't interested in when we were younger, or something we'd always meant to get to but never had the time for, learning something new can bring joy and frustration in equal measure — as well as the satisfaction of putting in effort at something we're not naturally good at. For many maker businesses, photography is one of these skills, and we hope you find this month's expert Q&A informative.

There's another side to learning, too, which is opening our minds to other perspectives and ways of being — as well as to facts of life we might not have previously been aware of. That's where the truth part of truth and reconciliation comes in, and why we're glad to be able to publish a piece on cultural appropriation by Riley Yesno, with art by Ovi Mailhot. Thanks to Riley and Ovi for contributing to Workshop.

Yours in making,