It Takes a Village

Sometimes when you run a small business, things can feel lonely. There you are doing all. the. things., making product while trying hard at the same time to engage on Instagram, fulfill orders, fix the wifi, pay the bills and work on that business plan. Never mind your personal life, right?

But we're here to remind you (since we're sure you've noticed this already) that the handmade community is a friendly bunch among whom feedback, support and information sharing come naturally. So this issue, we've gathered some ceramics artists we love to give you inspiration, and spoken with a top East Coast retailer to get some tips for makers looking to boost their wholesale business.

We also have plans to facilitate member meet-ups and other (virtual) community events this fall. Would you be up for a regular Zoom session to brainstorm ideas and get feedback on your business questions? Are there workshops (think tax planning, or pricing, or social media marketing) you'd be eager to attend? Let us know what timing and topics would work best for you.

We hope you're managing to make the most of the summer, wherever you are — and our thoughts are with those struggling with forest fires and other challenges.

Yours in making,